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Adult Ministries

Legacy Ministry

Legacy Ministry

Our Legacy Ministry is tailored to foster a close-knit community for individuals aged 55 and better. Our goal is to promote a sense of belonging and connection to both God and fellow members of this generation in a welcoming environment infused with Christian love and fellowship.

We envision our Crossroads Legacy to not only lead the way in service and outreach but also set an example of mature, dedicated Christians to younger generations of adults.

Marriage and Family Ministry

Marriage and Family Ministry

Our Family Ministry's primary objective is to partner with you and your family to raise up a new generation of individuals who are wholeheartedly dedicated to following Christ. We firmly believe that when the Church and the family work together, their strength is unparalleled. A Christian marriage is one of the most significant demonstrations of Christ's love, and we aim to aid you in nurturing and safeguarding yours.

At Crossroads, we offer numerous opportunities to enrich your marriage, including Connect Groups, sermons, events, counseling, and specialized studies. We're committed to supporting and strengthening your family in every possible way.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

“We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28)

Men aren’t designed to do life on their own. Living without accountability, encouragement, discipline, and perseverance can be a plan for failure. At Crossroads, we train and equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church and in the workplace. By connecting men through special events, Connect Groups, Bible studies, accountability groups and service opportunities, our goal is to show and teach men the importance of a personal relationship with Christ.

Upcoming Events

Spanish Ministry

Spanish Ministry

En Crossroads Español, nuestro deseo es que conozcas a Dios y el propósito que Él tiene para tu vida. 

Cada domingo a las 12:00 p.m. tenemos un hermoso servicio de alabanza y adoración seguido de un poderoso y oportuno mensaje de la Palabra de Dios. Entre semana, nuestros Grupos de Conexión te harán sentir en casa al convivir y estudiar juntos la Biblia. 

Si el idioma de tu corazón es el español, este ministerio familiar es para ti. ¡Te esperamos!

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UNlimited Ministry

UNlimited Ministry

Crossroads’ UNlimited Ministry offers a Sunday morning service at 10:45 that is a safe and loving environment for children and students (currently 14 and older) who have special needs. They will engage in a time of worship, a time of teaching, and participate in various creative activities. During this time families and caretakers can attend service in the main auditorium knowing their loved ones will be well taken care of and participate in a service geared towards them.

UNlimited Registration

Women’s Ministry

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry at Crossroads is dedicated to glorifying God by loving, teaching, encouraging, and praying for women, with the ultimate goal of empowering them to impact the world for Christ.

Our mission is to foster a sense of community among women through various activities such as group studies, prayer sessions, and social events. We strive to provide opportunities for women to lead and mentor one another and inspire the next generation of female leaders.

Upcoming Events

Widows Might Ministry

Widows Might Ministry

The "Widows Might" ministry is a compassionate support group designed specifically for widows. Our aim is to provide you with the friendship, fellowship, and love you need to navigate this journey in life.

We organize various monthly fellowships, including game days/nights, brunches, dinners, and other activities throughout the metroplex. These gatherings provide a space for you to connect with others who understand what you're going through and offer you comfort and support.

Upcoming Events

Young Adults Ministry

Young Adults Ministry

The Young Adults Ministry of Crossroads is focused on developing authentic community and connections for college-aged and young adults, 18-30 years old. Young adults will experience community and connection through monthly gatherings, weekly group meetups and serving opportunities. The Crossroads' Young Adults Ministry is a place you can call home.

Beginning February 4 - Every Tuesday of each month 7-9 P.M. in The Landing