Embrace Grace Baby Shower

  • Sun, April 27, 2025 @ 4:00 PM
  • Sun, November 16, 2025 @ 4:00 PM
Main Campus
It’s celebration time! Help us honor our brave mamas for choosing life. Let’s shower them with gifts as they prepare for the arrival of these precious babies. Gifts can be purchased HERE. All gifts will be delivered directly to the church and we will have at least one gift wrapping gathering. Please contact Phyllis Montoya at 817.557.2277 or pmontoya@church360.com if you would like to participate in the gift wrapping.
Embrace Grace is a ministry that strives to give every single young woman with an unplanned pregnancy in our community a church home where she can find spiritual, emotional, and physical support. The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower the church to be a safe and nonjudgmental place for these young women to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed because of shame and guilt.
It is a 12-week curriculum that teaches them about God’s never-ending love and grace, no matter what our past is or what we’re going through. At the end we will give them a baby shower to honor them for choosing life and to help provide for their baby’s needs.
Our next season will begin in the Fall. Help us spread the word!

Can’t attend the shower? You can still support! Please consider sending a gift, making a donation to the event, or helping out on one of the committees. If you have any questions or would like to help in any of these areas, contact us at embracegrace.ccctx@icloud.com or text 682.706.9288.