Embrace Grace Class

  • Sun, March 30, 2025 @ 6:30 PM
  • Sun, April 6, 2025 @ 6:30 PM
  • Sun, April 13, 2025 @ 6:30 PM

Has your life been impacted by an unplanned pregnancy?

We love helping women with unexpected pregnancies find community and help you catch your breath. We know just finding out can sometimes make you feel uncertain, isolated, and even a little afraid. We get it—and we’re here for you. This support group has helped SO many moms like you be able to have your baby and your dreams too. We know it might not be easy but we would love the opportunity to be in this with you. Whether you are single or in a relationship but not married yet, we would love to have you join our group! You’ll make new friends, have leaders that will guide and empower you, and you’ll even get an amazing baby shower! We meet every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. starting January 19th.

Please note that childcare is not provided, but infants younger than 6 months old are welcome to attend with you!


Want to support this ministry?

Embrace Grace is a 12-week support group for women with unexpected pregnancies. Through dynamic teachings and personal testimonies of women who have walked in their shoes, this Biblically based curriculum introduces young moms to Jesus and focuses on their identity and worth in Him. As the attendees experience the love of God through His people, they are getting plugged into a spiritual family and raising their kids in the church. After 12 weeks together, our church celebrates the journey by throwing the moms a baby shower!

Our goal is to ensure every woman with an unplanned pregnancy in our community has a church for spiritual, emotional, and physical support. We need your help! Would you prayerfully consider coming alongside us as we launch this ministry, or consider serving at the events that are a part of this program?


Have questions about Embrace Grace? Please contact:
Creshaun Betts
Cell: 682.706.9288
Email: EmbraceGrace.ccctx@icloud.com